Short Stories

Stories marked with a * are free to read online.

“Another Tide”* in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, November 2024

“Among the Birds”* in Mysterion, October 2023

“Empty Appendages”* in Beneath Ceaseless Skies #350

“Kill the Witchman”* in Beneath Ceaseless Skies #306

“Corpus Grace”* in Beneath Ceaseless Skies #234

“Hatecars” in Aurealis #127

“Graft Mage” in Strange Wars (previously published in Aurealis #111)

“Death and the Tower”* in Kaleidotrope

“Bear Skin, Smoking Mountain”* in New Myths

“Ferals” in The Never Never Land

“Restaurant” in Canary Press #4

“Jomaliland” in Moss Piglet #3

“Water Highway” in Moss Piglet #2

“Demons” and “Water Function” in Yowl!

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